London regenerated: developments in the capital

The 2012 Olympics shone a spotlight on London, and in particular the massive revitalisation that transformed the city’s east. Since then activity across the capital has continued apace, with thrusting skyscrapers and a reinvigorated King’s Cross springing up alongside London’s Olympic legacy.


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London for visitors with a disability

The quality of provision for people with a disability varies enormously between hotels, restaurants and sights in London. But many of the city’s top attractions and entertainment venues can be enjoyed with a limited amount of additional planning. The transport network is continually improving in regards to accessibility and there are a number of ways to ensure that getting around is as simple as possible.


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10 things to do in London with children

London’s offbeat offerings and big-name attractions can be as enjoyable for children as they are for parents, and exploring the city as a family can lead you to some great sights and activities. Certain options are more suited to certain times of year though, so the following list of Lonely Planet’s top suggestions has been broadly broken down into five things to do in spring and summer, and five in autumn and winter.


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The Dad Commandments

Dads are notorious for their special brand of unsolicited advice-giving, but writer Walker Lamond has one-upped them all. The man behind the internet-famous Rules For My Unborn Son blog has created a…

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The Regent Palace Hotel

Jack Spade’s first London store is located on the edge of Piccadilly Circus, in the newly redeveloped Regent Palace Hotel building. We couldn’t ask for better digs. This site has…

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