Photos for dating site

Photos for dating site

If you want to succeed on a dating site, you should definitely pay attention to the photos. If your photos are not of sufficient quality, the results will certainly not be really interesting. After all, when a man is looking for single women near me, he will pay attention to the photo first.


It is very important to make a good portrait (face close-up). You should definitely be able to see your eyes (up to the color of your eyes). Do not wear glasses for a portrait, even if they suit you (you can take pictures with glasses in other Web photos). No matter how sad you are, try to smile. A smile is an integral part of any culture, and without a smile you will get a lot less letters. Do not pass on your problems to your potential fiancés. A good portrait is the beginning of your success. Do not accept the work of a photographer until you get a beautiful portrait.

Use your rested and tanned face to make a series of photos. You will still need them someday, and then you will definitely be the best. It’s better not to laugh in the whole mouth: you’ll capture one black hole and a pair of narrow eyes. In fact, men seeking women will always pay attention to the photos that will attract their attention. You need to make sure that all your pictures are perfect.


Give up the idea of showing yourself in the most advantageous perspective: you will never guess what the photographer really sees anyway. Position yourself in half a turn, especially if you are wearing pants, a tight-fitting skirt or other clothes that give off an anatomy: the excess on the hip part of the body in the “three-quarters” image will not be as visible as in full-face.

Encourage the photographer to sit down. Shooting from a low point “slims” a standing human figure. Above the nose! If when you are photographed, you are standing upright, with a double chin and huge circles under your eyes like the second eye. Forget the camera, the lens and the giggling buddies behind the camera. The more direct you are, the better the picture will be.

It’s good not to be photographed in bright daylight: the most beautiful lighting is early morning and early nightfall. As a last resort, move to the shade: there is no better way to show your shortcomings than to be photographed in the sun. Attention to the background: to pose against the background of a bright red door, you need an ironclad confidence that you look flawless today. Be prepared for the fact that if the photographer stands leaning against a poisonous green wall, your face will certainly reflect this greenery.

Try to avoid black color. Even if black suits you, in photos it always looks flat and destroys all your shapes. Try to make your clothes emphasize the dignity of your sex and sexiness. A woman in a dress attracts more men than pants. Shoes look better than boots.

Number of pictures

On your personal page we recommend you to place three photos (maximum 7). One of them is a portrait. Others – in different poses (full height, sitting, lying, profile, in full-face, three-quarters) or in different styles (business, casual, home, seductive). Try to choose suitable clothes for each photo, then your personal page will look much more diverse and interesting. It is not recommended to place the photo partially or completely in the nude form. However, if you wish, you can send such photos to a friend in personal correspondence.

Scanning photos

It is very important not only to get good photo prints, but also to convert them into electronic form (we recommend JPEG format). For this home scanner and the ability to work with images may not be enough. Scanning services (the so-called process) are provided by many firms in your city (It can be internet cafes or computer clubs, printing firms, marriage agencies, etc.).